Photo Gallery
Click here to view our photo gallery from the Mike & Tony Show. From guests to the audience, and even all of Mike's alter-egos!

Video Gallery
Clck here to view a gallery of spliced episodes.

Why a Show?

What better way to boost restaurant business and bar business than to host and shoot a live TV show!?

What was Mike and Tony thinking? Well, their idea was in the right place, public access was open to anyone who can produce a high-definition cassette which is about a half inch bigger than a vhs tape and would air the show or footage on a time slot for about 2 million homes. Sure, the show was late night television, like 1 or 2 in the morning, but it was seen by a lot of people, most importantly, actually DID bring in business!

The show included a non-scripted format for Mike and Tony, but included segments of entertainment that was free of charge. Comedians would come and do their standup routine, bands would come and play, and charity organizations would come and talk about what they do. All of these segments brought in people with them that would sit at the bar or the dining room, whatch the show, and eat and drink. And presto! new and more business.

We taped the show for about a year and a half on Monday nights (where it was slowest in the restaurant). And the show actually aired for longer! Late night TV of course, but it aired for quite sometime, and Mike actually got recognized a few times on the street!

Within this page, we have photos, editorials and videos of the show so you can see for yourself, what it was about.



The Show

The show actually had a bit of a story line for the possibility that someone was following it, but not too much so that it wouldn't be entertaining to someone seeing a few episodes here and there.

Mike and Tony are brothers, Mike was always the one hosting the show and was there the entire time. Tony was never on the show, except for the last 30 seconds of the air time. Everyone would chant, "where's Tony?" until he came out, sat behind the counter, puffed on his cigar and smiled, and that's when Mike would say, "that's all the time we have for tonight, see you next time!".

The show consisted of comic acts that would do their routine on our stage followed by an interview, and that format would be the same for young rock bands, magicians, charity organizations, and even the Commodors! We rarely had well known people on the show, the Commodors were by far the most famous of our segments, but we also had Rick Turner, who was also a TV show host for the same channel.

The Real Show

The Mike and Tony show wasn't always so cut and dry, bands, magic acts, comedians, etc... we had to fill the void and Mike was the Johnny Carson type to do his own skits himself! He'd act as a handy man that would give tips on being handy around the house, but he'd use Mashed Potatoes and a meatball to fix a whole in a wall instead of spackle and paint.

His brother Chris would do a cooking show that would include "Aunt Millie", a drunken old woman who knew nothing about cooking, but was really Mike in obvious disguise!

But the main part of the slapstick comedy skits revolved around the whole "Where's Tony" line, and eventually we created an episode where Tony would have a sugeon do a live operation on the show because of a brain tumor (all not true).. Dr. Schmartenheinie came in to do the job, (Mike) and got drunk drinking the alcohol that Tony's brain sat in. Needless to say got out of control quickly. You need to see it, to believe it!


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Town of West New York
Hudson County, New Jersey